Adding a Pledge
Navigate to Pledges, and hit Create New Pledge.
On this page, ensure status is set to Active and Start/End Date are accurate.
For other sections...
For other sections...
- Pledge Minimum should be set to the level wanting to input. (E.G. if it's a pledge drive, and it's the $200 level, it should show here)
- Allow over target should be checked
- Personalized Pledge left unchecked
- Minimum Only should be selected if we want people to only donate at that level. If it is a general donation level (where guests can donate as much or as little as they wish) it can be left unticked.
- Skip Details Page is checked 9 times out of 10. Unless there is information about the organization or where this specific level is going, it speeds up the process for the donor.
- Show Amount Raised should be unchecked for all options as a standard.